My Pregnancy Journal

All about my 3rd pregnancy*

Thoughts, information, pictures, etc.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just Wanted To Say

How cool it is to feel this baby moving! hehehe

I'm really enjoying this... and savoring it as it is probably my last one.

Here's a picture of Ursula loving up on my 'baby belly' :) She's always kissing and hugging my belly.

I have told her that once the baby is born, I'll have more milk and she giggles :) hehehe Guess I'll be nursing two children come December. Oh well... no biggie. Its not like Ursula nurses all day. She usually only nurses to sleep; and then sometimes not even then. She might nurse twice a day.

Oh, please ignore the beautiful stretch marks... (yes, said sarcasticly)!

I'm still thinking of names. I know Jeremy likes Wyatt. I do too and I'm the one that mentioned it to him in the first place, but, it just doesn't 'go' with our girls' names... Elijah would fit pretty much perfectly... 3 syllables, 'a' sound at the end, and 'l' in there.


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*Not counting the time I believe I miscarried, the day before Thanksgiving 2003