About Me
- Name: Alison
- Location: Opelousas, Louisiana, United States
I am pretty much a natural mom. I have given birth naturally, without drugs. I have breastfed, co-slept, wore my children. I also have not had them vaccinated. I use homeopathy and herbs. I try to eat as healthy as our budget allows us.
At 6:32 AM,
Jessica said…
is that the dress I gave you?? Fits you sooo much better if it is.
As I type this Vic see's your pic and is yelling "Ayee" (Ali, in her own way) See she knows who you are!! She's so different from the boys!!
Anyways, cute pics!!
At 6:41 AM,
Alison said…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is one you gave me... in those bags of clothes, I think? I know I didn't buy it... LOL
I'm actually surprised I fit it! hehehe
Cute about Victoria recognizing me :D That's always cool :)
At 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well done on a great blog Alison. I was searching for information on chinese pregnancy and came across your post this post - not exactly what I was looking for related to chinese pregnancy but very interesting all the same!
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