37 Weeks - (well, actually, 36wk6days)
I gained one pound from last week.
The GBS test came back negative (of course) and my hemoglobin is fine as well :D yay!
They took my blood pressure twice (digital read-out) because the first time it read that my bp was 140/73, heartbeat was 94bpm. Of course, I was talking while it was on my arm, so maybe that made a difference. The second time, like a few minutes later, my bp read 126/70, my heartbeat was 90bpm.
I'm measuring 34cm still.
Dilated one cm. No effacement.
The doc will be checking my cervix at every appointment until the baby is born. I don't remember them doing that for my other 2 pregnancies.
Baby's heartbeat was in the 130's. Doc said its prolly cause he's sleeping.
I feeling a little excited... but, kind of meloncholy as I will sooo miss having a baby in my belly! I know, I'm a weirdo. But, its just so neat :D
I started feeling more excited after my sil, Jessica, had her baby and I was holding that little sweet thing :D I really am anticipating holding my little one.
I go back next Monday. I made my appointment later so that Jeremy could go to work in the morning and get off early to bring me... at least he won't miss a full day of work like he did today. Of course, the appointment is also late enough that Calista will be home from school.
The GBS test came back negative (of course) and my hemoglobin is fine as well :D yay!
They took my blood pressure twice (digital read-out) because the first time it read that my bp was 140/73, heartbeat was 94bpm. Of course, I was talking while it was on my arm, so maybe that made a difference. The second time, like a few minutes later, my bp read 126/70, my heartbeat was 90bpm.
I'm measuring 34cm still.
Dilated one cm. No effacement.
The doc will be checking my cervix at every appointment until the baby is born. I don't remember them doing that for my other 2 pregnancies.
Baby's heartbeat was in the 130's. Doc said its prolly cause he's sleeping.
I feeling a little excited... but, kind of meloncholy as I will sooo miss having a baby in my belly! I know, I'm a weirdo. But, its just so neat :D
I started feeling more excited after my sil, Jessica, had her baby and I was holding that little sweet thing :D I really am anticipating holding my little one.
I go back next Monday. I made my appointment later so that Jeremy could go to work in the morning and get off early to bring me... at least he won't miss a full day of work like he did today. Of course, the appointment is also late enough that Calista will be home from school.
At 8:47 AM,
Jessica said…
He he, I know what you mean about holding a little one...when I would hold Carter, Sue's little one, I would get really excited. Another reason I thought I was havng a girl, b/c Carter was real good on me...
One cm! whoo-hoo! The time is drawing near :D
At 9:54 AM,
Alison said…
LOL So, you believe that thing that if a baby is content with you, that means you're having a baby of the opposite sex? hehehe I never really noticed that... I should have heard about that one way back when I was pregnant for Calista... see how much truth it holds.
Yeah, a whole centimeter! lol Big whoop! lol I'm not too worried... as you know, I believe the baby will come when its ready :)
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